How to do things with jokes: Speech acts in standup comedy


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How to Cite

Aarons, D., & Mierowsky, M. (2017). How to do things with jokes: Speech acts in standup comedy. The European Journal of Humour Research, 5(4), 158-168.


How to do things with jokes: Speech acts in standup comedy

In How to Do Things with Words (1962), the philosopher John Austin claimed that we use words to do things in the world, not merely to express a state of affairs. This proposal introduced speech acts, and essentially initiated the study of linguistic pragmatics. Speech acts in everyday communication include persuading, apologizing, criticizing, humiliating, complimenting and a host of other intended behaviours. Austin accentuated the idea of speaker intention, on one hand, and hearer’s response to that intention if successfully conveyed, on the other. We consider some of the speech acts used in the work of selected standup comedians to analyse the way they determine the relationship of performer and audience. We argue that there is a reciprocal relationship between the licensing of certain speech acts in standup comedy, and the success of these speech acts in shaping the social lives of the audience. We show that this relationship is at the forefront of standup comedy’s social impact and that it can generate heightened consciousness of the social and political environment of the time.  Finally, we consider the question of whether socially critical standup can have any noticeable effect on the attitudes or behaviour of both live and digitally mediated audiences.



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Audiovisual references

Bruce, L. (1964). ‘Are there any niggers here tonight?’ accessed 2 October 2017.

Kondabolu, H. (2010). ‘An honest moment in Aspen.’ accessed 2 October 2017

Richards. M. (2006). ‘Racial tirade against audience members.’ Laugh Factory, California 6th November, 2006. accessed 2 October 2017

Rivers. J. (2010). ‘Joan Rivers takes on heckler in Wisconsin’. From Joan Rivers: A piece of work (dir. Sundberg & Stern) accessed 1 October 2017.

Sundberg, A. & R. Stern (dir.) (2010). Joan Rivers: A piece of work, USA: Breakthru Films. (Documentary Film).

Tosh, D. (July 2010). ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like, 5 guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just raped her…’. Laugh Factory, Long Beach CA. (actual clip unavailable, quote attributed to Tosh).

Tosh. D. (2011). ‘Happy thoughts. “At least we’re not women, right fellas?”’ Comedy Central, March 2011. accessed 1 October 2017

Vidale, T. (2002, August 2). ‘The Tavis Smiley show’ [Radio broadcast]. National Public Radio, USA.

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