Performing gender through stand-up comedy in Spanish


Stand-up monologue
female style
humorous sequence

How to Cite

Ruiz-Gurillo, L. (2019). Performing gender through stand-up comedy in Spanish. The European Journal of Humour Research, 7(2), 67-86.


The aim of this paper is to examine Eva Hache’s humorous gender-based monologues, broadcast in the show El Club de la Comedia [The Comedy Club] in Spain between 2012 and 2013. The corpus comprises 24 Stand-up monologues, which have been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The present paper offers a case study in three different ways. Firstly, an analysis of different humorous sequences makes it possible to distinguish a representation of both feminine and masculine identities, as well as a confrontation between the two genders. In fact, Eva Hache’s style supports the feminine identity and facilitates the teasing and mockery of men. Secondly, a polyphonic study of men as speakers (locutors) and utterers (Ducrot, 1986) will serve to differentiate certain features of their identity from a discursive perspective. Finally, a detailed examination of humorous sequences shows how these performative sequences can prove useful to maintain hierarchy, to reinforce an in-group, i.e. a women’s group, to solidify men’s group boundaries, and even to subvert gender normativity (Bing, 2004). As it will be demonstrated in our analysis, humorous markers and indicators play an important role in the construction of jab lines and the final punch line of these sequences. Furthermore, results show that there are few strategies aimed at challenging the status quo in this database, though they illustrate an ongoing movement towards a feminist humor that has been almost non-existent in Spain so far.



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