This study investigated: (a) the mediating role of affect between humour events and well-being at work and (b) the moderating role of psychological work climate in the indirect relationship between humour events and well-being at work, via affect. The moderated mediation model was tested through a study with 93 full-time employees. We used regressions and bootstrapping analyses to test the moderated mediation model. The findings indicated a significant association between humour events and well-being at work with affect as a mediator. Moreover, psychological work climate was found to significantly moderate the indirect relationship between humour events and well-being at work via affect, such that it become stronger when individuals were in a positive psychological work climate. This paper adds considerable evidence of the relationship between humour-related events and their impact on individuals’ well-being. Psychological work climate strengthens the association between affect and well-being after humour events.
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