Book review
Archakis, A. & Tsakona, V. (2021). ‘Greek migrant jokes online: a diachronic-comparative study on racist humorous representations’. Internet Pragmatics 4 (1), pp. 28-51.
Archakis, A. & Tsakona, V. (2022). ‘“It is necessary to try our best to learn the language”: a Greek case study of internalised racism in antiracist discourse’. Journal of International Migration and Integration 23 (1), pp. 161-182.
Davies, C. (2011). Jokes and Targets. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Kuipers, G. (2011). ‘The politics of humour in the public sphere: cartoons, power and modernity in the first transnational humour scandal’. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14 (1), pp. 63–80.
Lewis, P. (ed.). 2008. ‘The Muhammad cartoons and humour research: a collection of essays’. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 21 (1), pp. 1–46.
Nguyen, N.-M. (2016). ‘I tweet like a white person tbh! #whitewashed: examining the language of internalised racism and the policing of ethnic identity on Twitter’. Social Semiotics 26 (5), pp. 505–523.
Pyke, K. D. (2010). ‘What is internalised racial oppression and why don’t we study it? Acknowledging racism’s hidden injuries’. Sociological Perspectives 53 (4), pp. 551–572.
Tsakona, V. (2019). ‘Talking about humour, racism, and anti-racism in class: a critical literacy proposal’. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies 12/61 (2), pp. 111-141.
Weaver, S. (2010). ‘Liquid racism and the Danish Prophet Muhammad cartoons’. Current Sociology 58 (5), pp. 675-692.

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