‘She is like a Yakshini’: character construction via aggressive humour in Chinese sitcom discourse


aggressive humour
sitcom discourse

How to Cite

Cao, Y., Han, C., Liu, X., & Hale, A. (2021). ‘She is like a Yakshini’: character construction via aggressive humour in Chinese sitcom discourse. The European Journal of Humour Research, 9(4), 110-130. https://doi.org/10.7592/EJHR.2021.9.4.585


This paper looks at the importance of aggressive humour in the discursive construction of a ‘Yakshini’ character in a popular Chinese sitcom, Ipartment. The exaggerated, aggressive nature of such a stereotypical character undermines traditional cultural norms of Chinese femininity. Such characterisation of a heroine through aggressive humour in a popular sitcom reflects the fact that empowering women has become (or is becoming) more acceptable in contemporary China. 



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