The well-being of playful adults: Adult playfulness, subjective well-being, physical well-being, and the pursuit of enjoyable activities


adult playfulness
enjoyable activities
health behavior
life satisfaction
physical fitness

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Proyer, R. T. (2013). The well-being of playful adults: Adult playfulness, subjective well-being, physical well-being, and the pursuit of enjoyable activities. The European Journal of Humour Research, 1(1), 84-98.


It was hypothesized that playfulness in adults relates positively to different indicators of subjective but also physical well-being. A sample of 255 adults completed subjective measures of playfulness along with self-ratings for different facets of well-being and the endorsement to enjoyable activities. Adult playfulness demonstrated robust positive relations with life satisfaction and an inclination to enjoyable activities and an active way of life. There were also minor positive relations with physical fitness. Leading an active way of life partially mediated the relation between playfulness and life satisfaction. The study provides further evidence on the contribution of adult playfulness to different aspects of well-being.



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